Taking Time for Self-Care – It IS Important!

Raising kiddos with FASD is rarely easy.  Things get very complicated and chaotic VERY fast – often!  It is hard to have time to do SO many things.  But there is one thing we find very troublesome is that we often see folks keep those things from preventing them from taking care of their own health, sanity and learning.  Raising children with FASD IS hard but it is tremendously harder if you do it alone.

You NEED a community of others who “get it” and know what you are going through, have been through it themselves, and might have some comfort or wisdom to pass on.  You need others to help you see things from a different perspective, think about problems with some new input, or just plain have a shoulder to cry on once in a while.

PLEASE, take the time to learn more about FASD and how to not only survive but thrive while parenting children with FASD.  We know it is hard to find the time – but it really isn’t optional because…26195765_1958098144451315_1887585313194703083_n

FASD SacValley is a support group that can help.  We meet every 3rd Thursday of each month from 6:30-8 p.m.  See previous posts for flyers for directions etc. or contact us via email. It really is important.  You are NOT alone!

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